Friday, January 18, 2013

What's Going Right

What's Going Right
Tonight, I attended "Arts Connection", an event hosted by the Arts Council of San Bernardino County, California, and to sum up the event in one word.  "Wow!!!" 7 hours after leaving the 5 hour event, I am still imagining all the ways art can help bring economy back into this region. I had the most wonderful and beautiful experiences discussing and sharing artistic life and passions.  I will post more positive information about yesterday evening on both my blog sites and on my FB pages Expressionist's Oasis, Perceptions:  Breast Cancer Support and Health, and Islands for Writers. 
These are really exciting times and I am really looking forward to being a positive, motivational, educational, and  nurturing support to our community's foundations. and long term vision.
It was truly an hour to attend the event and share creative thoughts with other people from the art as a whole to specific niches that foster creative innovations.
Celena Diana Bumpus

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