Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Deals 2013

One of my students was so awesome sharing this deal with me.
How cool is it to get such a great deal on a sandwich during the holidays?
Nutritious food and affordable to boot?  Who could ask for more?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 28

Day 28

Today's poetic offering for National Poetry Writing Month is a description of stuffiness you cannot escape when it is within you.


I've been off the grid for days
The passage of time I record
only as a habit too long and too deeply entrenched
My head is filled with downy white wadding
My mind refuses to focus
My mouth, dry as cotton balls
My thirst unquenchable
My ears are stuffed with soft white fluff
muffling the conversations of today
into muted, pretty background noise
My parched skin screams "Yield"
as I wander the house in a strange fugue
of distant awareness and detached interest

Copyright Celena Diana Bumpus

Creative Commons License
Cottonhead Blues by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://perceiveideas.blogspot.com/2013/05/napowrimo-day-28.html.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://perceiveideas.blogspot.com.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 7

Day 7

Today's offering to the poetry gods for National Poetry Writing Month is reminiscent of the days when I was going through chemotherapy and the feeling of slipping away one experiences when they feel they are near death.


When I was dying,
or knew I was dying,
I fell in love with the idea of dying.
Part of me was so relieved it would be over soon,
I rejoiced inside.
Almost ecstatic with the piece by piece feeling of loss.
Part of it was the pain meds.
So strong, half the time
I wasn't certain I wasn't already dead.
But, I would see a glimpse of sunlight
through my hospital bedroom window
(in the ER for cancer patients)
and I would imagine the cool
Orange county ocean breeze.
Not quite close enough to the ocean
to see too many seagulls outside.
But close enough to get just a hint
of the brine in the healing air.
Like a taste on your tongue,
you're on quite tasting.
Or maybe it was just the saline drip.
I don't know.
I just knew the sunlight
and the imagined small of the sea
would bring me back
to the living world.
And selfishly I knew I wouldn't have either
if I kept going down that other path.

Copyright Celena Diana Bumpus

Creative Commons License
Sun and Salt by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://perceiveideas.blogspot.com/2013/05/napowrimo-day-7.html.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://perceiveideas.blogspot.com.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Call for Submissions Breast Cancer Issue of Islands For Writers Due 15Apr2013

Call for Submiss Breast Cancer Issue Islands For Writers Due 15Apr2013

Call for Submissions
Islands For Writers Special Anthology
Featuring Breast Cancer and Survivorship Theme:
Poetry, Spoken Word, Letters, Short Memoirs, Creative Non-Fiction, Interviews, Art, Photography, Drawings, Comics, Cartoons, Multi Media, Audio files, Videos
Deadline 15April2013

Submission Rules and Regulations

Thank you for visiting the Islands For Writers website at www.islandsforwriters.blogspot.com. And the Expressionist's Oasis website at www.expressionistsoasis.blogspot.com. And the Perceptions: Breast Cancer and Health website at www.perceivedideas.blogspot.com. If you are interested in submitting to one of the upcoming anthologies, please follow the proceeding guidelines for the forthcoming issue.
Please email your submissions to islandsforwriters@gmail.com
We look forward to your submissions.
Islands For Writers Staff
We are currently accepting submissions for the following anthology:
Unique, ususual and atypical stories about how you discovered your breast cancer.
The most influential, motivating, and positive people that are and have supported you throughout your breast cancer treatment.
What positive things did you do during treatment, what hobbies did you adopt during your treatment and recovery to occupy your time and stimulate your mind?
We are looking for poetry, spoken word, letters, short memoirs, creative non-fiction, and interviews. We would like a diverse collection of interesting personal narratives. We welcome you to surprise us, engage us, dazzle us, enlighten us, and educate us. We hope you will consider participating in this call for submissions as both fun, nostalgic and containing very good memories. We encourage writers and artists to share the positive aspects of Survivorship within their poetry, spoken word, letters, short memoirs, creative non-fiction and interviews.
We are also looking for breast cancer and survivorship themed art, photography, audio files, and videos for both our print and online anthologies.
All submissions will be considered for both the written anthology and online anthology. The best submissions will be featured in both.
The submission due date is 15April2013.
Submissions Rules and Regulations:
  1. Deadline for the Winter edition of the Islands of Writers Anthology is 15April2013.
  2. Name, address & phone number of the submitter must appear on the of the work submitted.
  3. Any pen name must be included within submission.
  4. Include in the Subject line of the email: the type of work submitted: Poetry, Spoken Word, Short Memoir, Creative Non-Fiction, Interviews. Only one email per submission. All cover letters, bios, and submissions must be submitted as separate attachments.
  5. For Short Memoir, Creative Non-Fiction and Interviews: Only one fiction or non-fiction work will be accepted and sent in an attachment. The maximum word count is 2000 words and not to exceed 10 pages in length.
  6. For Poetry and Spoken Word: Only one to five poems will be accepted. Each poem may have no more than 40 lines and the maximum length of all five submissions must be less than 10 pages in length. The poems may be sent in one email but each poem must be a as separate attachment.
  7. For Art: Include in the Subject line of the email: the type of work submitted: Art, Drawing, Comic, Cartoon, Photography. The file must be in .jpeg format and sent as attachments.
  8. For Audio and Video files: Include in the Subject line of the email: the type of work submitted: Audio, Video. The files must be in .mp3 and/or .mp4 format and sent as attachments. The maximum duration must not exceed 5 minutes for poems or son
  9. Please include a cover letter and a bio of 500 words or less and some interesting facts about yourself. You may include your website and/or email address. (If your submission is accepted, we will request a full color author photo for the anthology).
  10. Written work may be no more than 10 pagesin length.
  11. Written submissions must be in black, 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1’’ margins.
  12. The author's last name, submission title, and page number must appear in the header. For poetry (ie: Jones, 4 poems: “Hip”, “Hop”, “Rap”, and “Music”; 1) For all other written submissions (ie: Jones, “Hip Hop Interview”, 1)
  13. All written submissions must be in .doc or .docx format.
  14. All artwork is limited to 3 entries per person.
  15. Art and photography submissions must be in .jpeg format with at least 300 dpi or of a high-resolution nature.
  16. Poetry must be limited to 40 lines.
  17. We will not accept submissions which contain excessive profanity or descriptions of body parts.
  18. All work must be original and unpublished.
  19. Submissions are open to all who wish to submit their work for potential publication in the Islands For Writers Anthology.
  20. Islands For Writers reserves the right to refuse publication of any works submitted, for only the finest submissions will be accepted for publication as chosen by the staff of the Islands For Writers Anthology.
  21. The Islands For Writers Anthology is a literary and art magazine published quarterly, with special editions of that anthology published throughout the year. The content is generated by artists and authors who chose to contribute. The magazine is published by Islands For Writers Publishing House.
  22. Opinions and ideas expressed in the Islands For Writers Anthology are those of the artists and authors. The Islands For Writers Anthologies and their contents do not necessarily reflect the views of Islands For Writers Publishing House.
  23. All rights revert solely to the artists and authors upon publication.

    Any questions please email CelenaDiana at islandsforwriters@gmail.com 

    Please be encouraged to view and like the Islands For Writers FaceBook page at  Islands For Writers

    Please be encouraged to view and like the Expressionist's Oasis FaceBook page at Expressionist's Oasis
     Please be encouraged to view and like the Perceptions: Breast Cancer and Health FaceBook page at Perceptions: Breast Cancer and Health

    Please be encouraged to follow Celena Diana OceanMoonSpirit on FaceBook.

    You may also visit and like her general website at OceanMoonSpirit as well as connect with her additional social media links

    You may also visit and like her author website at
    Celena Diana Bumpus

    and her author FaceBook page at
    Celena Diana Bumpus

Friday, February 15, 2013

An awesome find

The last couple of days have been so awesome.  I ran across some short memoirs and poetry I wrote while going through cancer treatment and the period shortly thereafter.  I am looking forward to finishing my edits on them so that I may share them or look at possibilities for publication.  I am really excited.

poetry, poems, shortfiction, nonfiction, memoir, creativenonfiction, writer, writing, shortessay, author, publishing.

Creative Commons License
This work by www.perceiveideas.blogsport.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.perceiveideas.blogspot.com.

Welcome to the Wide World of Interpretation

Photo: Just for laughs...
The next level of facebook relationship status updates. Where do you fall?

My Feature Black History Presentation This Sunday

I will be one of the featured presenters/poets at  the Black History event in celebration of Black Poetry: Call (Volume II):  A Literary Celebration, at Cellar Door Books, 5225 Canyon Crest Dr, Ste 30A/B, Riverside , CA..  I will read poems from my published collection of poems, "Confessions" (lnevitable Press) and my poems published in the anthology, "2012 Writing From Inlandia".  I will also discuss my latest publication in the soon to be released, "Street Lit: Popularity, and Analysis" (Scarecrow Press).  I will also discuss iconic African Americans within my family and whom I have had the pleasure to meet.  For more information about my latest projects and upcoming projects, I invite you to view my google+ profile which will give you links to my social media and webpages.  There are many things going right in the world today.  I invite everyone to help me to celebrate and show others how much beauty and creativity there is in the world that we are blessed to witness.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cupped Love

 This pic really resonated within me.  It speaks to me of the love that we hold within our hands that we nurtured and nourish so that it will grow and flourish.  Sometimes pics say everything you wish you can say in words.  Sometimes pics help you to find the words you  thought you had lost.

Pic borrowed from FB page "Only Love and Its Failure Can Throw You Inside".

Powering Up With A Light Supper

Light salad with Granny Smith apple, Red Bell Pepper, Roast Turkey & Ken's Bleu Cheese Salad Dressing. Accompanied with a hunk of French Bread, a cup of fresh Orange Juice & a cup of my Super Smoothe Chicken Broth.
A light supper to get me powered up to work on a few projects tonight.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Positivity Challenge

I am going to challenge myself to take a picture a day and write a (positive content) haiku a day for the rest of the year starting 01Feb2013

Fear of Being Alone

The fear of being alone can be devastating if you don't learn to love your own company. Even people in relationships can feel alone with a person lying in bed next to them. Stop expecting someone to come into your life and fulfill it, that's your job. They should be there to enhance it, not to be the reason you're alive! ~ Michael Baisden

Often times fear of being alone causes us to compromise our goals and values just to keep someone (anyone) near.  Discovering that you enjoy your own company is more empowering than most people can imagine.  Once you have learned to enjoy being in your own company, you will find yourself seeking the company of others who enhance your life and vice versa.  Self-fulfillment begins with building your own self-esteem and perspective of self-worth.

Homage to Breasts a beautiful artist image

This artist has a beautiful homage to breasts.  I really like this image.  I collect art and literature that pays homage to breasts.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ontario Arts Walk! Wow! What A Great Evening!

Home from the Ontario Arts Walk about an one hour now. I'm exhausted. Wow! I have a lot to share about my sensational evening meeting and making friends with so many astonishingly creative people. Please connect with me so that I can tag you in my next posts on this successful evening of artistic collaboration. I want to thank Erns Valdez for inviting me and the hosts and coordinators Liset Banks, Lebec Deweese, Jessica Hardy, and Lisa Kennedy.  I will post more when I am more coherent. For now its chicken broth and coma time. Night night. CelenaDiana.

art, music, food, California, design, Ontario, friends, positive, withalittlehelpfrommyfriends, creative, photography, fans, concert, poetry, bands, guitar, 

Friday, January 18, 2013

What's Going Right

What's Going Right
Tonight, I attended "Arts Connection", an event hosted by the Arts Council of San Bernardino County, California, and to sum up the event in one word.  "Wow!!!" 7 hours after leaving the 5 hour event, I am still imagining all the ways art can help bring economy back into this region. I had the most wonderful and beautiful experiences discussing and sharing artistic life and passions.  I will post more positive information about yesterday evening on both my blog sites and on my FB pages Expressionist's Oasis, Perceptions:  Breast Cancer Support and Health, and Islands for Writers. 
These are really exciting times and I am really looking forward to being a positive, motivational, educational, and  nurturing support to our community's foundations. and long term vision.
It was truly an hour to attend the event and share creative thoughts with other people from the art as a whole to specific niches that foster creative innovations.
Celena Diana Bumpus

Monday, January 14, 2013

I Am Live

Thank you for your patience regarding my blog's current work in progress.
However, feel free to look at my FaceBook page:


While it is also a work in progress, I am updating it as information becomes available.

If you have any suggestions or would like to include any links on to my page, please fee free to leave me a comment or a suggestion.

Thank you very much.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Share Your Story of Survivorship

I will be posting a short story of my own survivorship.


Secret Recipe For Nausea: SuperSmoothe Chicken Broth

Nausea and lack of appetite are very real problems to face during cancer treatment and through major illnesses.  I had 3 rounds of chemotherapy. One of the spices I discovered that helped to alleviate nausea was ginger.

Using ginger, I created this recipe to help combat nausea and provide much needed protein when my appetite was low.

One of the recipes I recommend for everyone is my SuperSmoothe Chicken Broth:

Swanson's 99% Fat Free Chicken Broth
Fresh Ginger Root
Fresh Lime
optional:  add tbsp Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute

Take 8 oz of chicken broth.  Wash Ginger Root thoroughly.  Add a 2 inch slice of the washed ginger root and squeeze the juice of one whole lime into cup.  Optional to add seasoning.  Microwave cup for 6 minutes or until it has boiled for several minutes.  Drink hot.

If the mixture gets cold.  It is still great to drink for soothing your throat.

The Breast Cancer Site

This is a great resource for Breast Cancer information.


News Anchor Deanna Dewberry's Breast Cancer Experience


Ready Set Go

This new year promises to be filled with uplifting and motivational news, events and information.  I encourage any readers to share their positive news about cancer treatment, survivorship and health.